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Youth & Children's Ministry

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At Holy Family, we cherish our children and we are so excited about our growing program. On Sunday mornings, our children and youth begin the worship service in the sanctuary with their parents. If they need a break during the service, we have a kids area in the back of the church with puzzles, beads, and books to enjoy quietly.  Any child is welcome to get their wiggles out during the service back there!  After the gospel reading, children and youth follow the cross to Children’s Chapel, where Charlotte Garcia, our Youth and Children’s Minister, leads a lesson for all ages. They return at the Peace. One of their favorite things to do is grab an instrument from the basket that Judy Rhodes keeps near the piano, and accompany her on our gathering song. â€‹

Our youth group takes an active role at Holy Family. Each year the youth puts on an Easter egg hunt for the children’s program. Our youth group is also very involved in Diocesan events, like middle school retreat, fall, and spring conferences. The children and youth are part of the Backpack Program at a local elementary school. Each month they fill over 40 bags of non perishable food. These bags are given to children at the school who may be food insecure and the food is to last them through the weekend. We love this program and our kids enjoy praying over the bags before we take them to the school!

​Jesus said, "Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19:14)


At Church of the Holy Family, our greatest wish is that youngest among us will feel loved and cherished!  If you have any questions about our children or youth program, want to get involved by volunteering, would like to donate to our program, or if you are a youth leader at another church and would like to connect, please do not hesitate to reach out to Charlotte Garcia at


Episcopal Church of the Holy Family

419 Turnpike Road

Mills River, NC 28759



Office hours by appointment

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