Desmond Tutu
Bishop Desmond Tutu, Nation Builder Desmond Tutu was born October 7, 1931, and died December 26, 2021. In 1984 Tutu received the Nobel...
Desmond Tutu
William Porcher Dubose
Frances Joesph Gaudet
Dorothy Day, Prophetic Witness 1897 - 1980
Trail of Tears
Benedict of Nursia
Chief Seattle
Thomas Merton
St. David of Wales
Abbots of Cluny
Bridget of Kildare, Abbess and Patroness of Ireland
C. S. Lewis
Margaret of Scotland
Simeon Stylites
The Holy Innocents
Nicholas of Myra
St. Mary the Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus
St. Joseph, Father Guardian of the Infant Jesus
Feast of Christ the King Sunday