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Making a difference in Henderson County 

Our outreach focus for several years has been on children in our local community.  Although we are small church, we endeavor to make a noticeable difference in the local community. Here is a sampling of the local causes we support:


Bak Pak Program - Once a month, Holy Family fills backpacks with nutritious snacks for the Mills River Elementary students who are at risk of hunger to take home for the weekend.

La Capilla de Santa Maria -  Holy Family supports the children of our Hispanic sister church, LaCapilla de Santa Maria, through the yearly purchase of gift cards to enable students to buy needed “Back to School” supplies. These gift cards are presented to them at an annual festive picnic which enables our parishioners to bond with the LaCapilla children and their parents.


Dream Scholarship Program contributes to a scholarship fund for youth who have graduated from a Henderson County High School but must pay out-of-state tuition at a public North Carolina college. Two of our parishioners serve as yearly board members.


MLK Day On: Adults and children volunteer to pack meals of rice and beans for food pantries.


Interfaith Assistance Ministry: Ongoing parishioner donations of non-perishable food are collected and delivered to this county ministry.

Episcopal Church of the Holy Family

419 Turnpike Road

Mills River, NC 28759



Office hours by appointment

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