Who We Are
Holy Family is a welcoming congregation that seeks to nurture the Holy Spirit within each of us through worship, prayer, and Christian Education, so that we are filled and equipped to go out into the world to do the work that Christ has given us to do. By our baptism, we are called to use the gifts and opportunities we are given to serve Christ in our particular place and time. Holy Family recognizes and affirms the ministry of each of its members. Laity and clergy together in mutual ministry commit themselves to a common endeavor dedicated to service and mutual support as we grow in our ministries.
Holy Family:
* Welcomes everyone to our community of faith;
* Worships the Lord and seeks to grow in our faith and knowledge of
Jesus Christ;
* Spends time together in community;
* Focuses on outreach to our community, especially children;
* Is dedicated to environmental stewardship.
Wider Community
To access websites for these organizations, click on the underlined names.
Church of the Holy Family is a part of the Episcopal Diocese of Western North Carolina.
The National Church
The Diocese of Western North Carolina is part of the Episcopal Church in the United States of America.​ The
​Episcopal News Service is the news service of the Episcopal Church.
Anglican Communion
The Episcopal Church USA is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion. The Anglican Communion News Service is the official news service of the Anglican Communion.