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Christian Formation

Christian Faith Formation (or Christian Education) is defined in the Episcopal Church “lifelong growth in the knowledge, service, and love of God as followers of Christ…informed by Scripture, Tradition, and Reason.”  The Reverend Dr. Pamela Dolan suggested this definition: “Christian formation is a lifelong process, occurring in community, that shapes you into the person God created you to be.” 


At Holy Family, we offer a variety of Christian formation classes for all ages in the sanctuary during the hour prior to worship. These classes aren't about attending school or checking boxes on God's list. This is the place and time to dig deep and learn new things; and to engage your heart and intellect as you explore your own faith and beliefs. Please join us from 9:30 - 10:15 am. We are meeting in the annex, the small building next to the church. For more information on upcoming Christian formation gatherings, please see the descriptions below.

Book Discussion
The Stranger in the Lifeboat

Mitch Albom's 2021 novel "The Stranger in the Lifeboat" is an easy read, but is rich with Christology and other theological themes. It’s a survivor story about ten people trapped on a raft. It's a human drama; how do desperate souls react when confronting the thin line between life and death? It's a mystery; what caused the explosion on the yacht and who is the mysterious young man they pulled out of the water? 

Please join us on Sundays 9:30-10:15 in the annex next to the main building to discuss this novel. You can purchase the book on Amazon here.


April 16th - 2nd Sunday in Easter

Sections 1 and 2, pages 3-56

April 23rd - 3rd Sunday in Easter

Sections 3 and 4, pages 59-98


April 30th - 4th Sunday in Easter

Sections 5-7, pages 102-158


May 7th - 5th Sunday in Easter

Sections 8-11, pages 162-228


May 14th - 6th Sunday in Easter

Sections 12, 13, and Epilogue


Book for Christian Ed.jpg

Photo by Tracey Kelly

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